ESG Strategies


Investors want sustainable and bespoke solutions without compromising financial returns.
Society and stakeholders demand sustainable and responsible investment portfolios
integrate sustainability into portfolio construction and explicitly maximise both returns and sustainability


Managers need to maximise both returns and ESG or specific E, S or G. Managers also need to cater to those who want conventional strategies, yet be ESG compliant.

Our Solution

Our portfolio optimiser explicitly maximises both returns and ESG; or enable ESG compliant portfolios that pursue conventional styles and themes.

How Our Superior Approach Helps You


Our integrated and customisable approach allow personalisation in investable universe and construction tilt.


43.4% professionals adopt negative / positive ESG screening.

Amel-Zadeh, Amir, and George Serafeim. “Why and How Investors Use ESG Information: Evidence from a Global Survey.” Financial Analysts Journal 74, no. 3 (July 1, 2018): 87–103.

Unsurprisingly, such screens have minimal difference to long run index performance.

environmental social governance screening

Figure 11 of Schroders, "Demystifying negative screens: The full implications of ESG exclusions" (2017)


We overlay ESG portfolios over long term themes to capture outperformance opportunity.

Find out how ESG can benefit your portfolio and why maximising ESG and returns are equally important
sustainble responsible investing

Want To Do It Yourself ?

Instead of using our algorithm, users are empowered to build their own ESG portfolios using our screener and ESG signals (e.g. human rights, emissions etc.). Thereafter, users can still benefit from our other range of services.